Our Vision and Strategy – How We Shape the Future

Our Approach towards a Sustainable Development of Our Society

DAS Environmental Experts is a leading environmental technology company. We are specialized on the abatement of demanding waste gases occurring in the high-tech manufacturing and on the treatment of industrial and sanitary wastewater. In the environmental branch, we want to be the leading company with respect to our innovative power and quality standards.

We have an ambitious mission and vision which we follow continuously e.g. with our quality and environmental management. Through the cooperation with our suppliers and the public we want to spread this aspiration widely.

Responsible use of the natural resources of air and water is the major global challenge of our time. We have devoted our efforts to this challenge, specifically investing into sustainable technologies for waste gas treatment and wastewater treatment, since 1991.

Vision, Mission and Values

Being a family company, we do not want to maximize benefit or profit. We want to optimize the purpose of our achievements. It is our mission to develop systems that keep air and water clean. This development is led by our strong vision. Based on our values, we want to become the leading company in the environmental branch.

Quality Management according to ISO 9001

In the indication of worldwide economic globalization, the quality of products and services obtains a constantly growing meaning. DAS ensures highest demands on quality level of our products and services in the business units waste gas and wastewater treatment where we follow the high aspiration of modern German engineering.

Our Environmental Management according to ISO 14001

DAS particularly emphasizes the required responsibility as an environmental technology company in the most fundamental sense. In addition to developing and manufacturing products for environmental protection, further integrating environmental awareness into all areas of operation is crucial to DAS.

Planning of environmental plants

Cooperation with Suppliers

The high-quality products and solutions from DAS Environmental Expert go hand-in-hand with an equally high demand placed on our suppliers. Efficiency, quality, service, flexibility, delivery capacity and reliability are always of the highest priority.

According to our range of materials we are constantly searching for new partnerships. Interested suppliers can find here more information on our purchasing policy and the logistics process.

Our Social Commitment

With our environmental technologies we contribute substantially to the safety of the people and the environment. In this way we facilitate an anticipatory and resource-saving economic activity without any losses for future generations.

Besides the responsibility towards our customers from various industries we also address the social responsibility – towards employees, all kinds of interest groups at our headquarters location Dresden and especially towards associations.

Jugend Forscht bei DAS im März 2024, Gruppenbild