The History of DAS Environmental Experts
Our Milestones
Entry in the Commercial Register on June 15, 1991 and establishment of DAS Dünnschicht-Anlagen-Systeme GmbH in Dresden on the former ELEKTROMAT site at Dresden Airport.
First Milestone
Installation ESCAPE technology and product qualification at Siemens Munich and Regensburg and the resulting industrial breakthrough with the first major order from Siemens for the newly built chip factory in Dresden.
Second Milestone
First appearance in Asia (Taiwan) with the Siemens reference in the backpack and the local business partner SPIROX. Installation of the first plant in Taiwan.
Third Milestone
Financial consolidation through participation of a VC group of Deutsche Bank in the company.
Fourth Milestone
Award of ESCAPE license to Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha in Kawasaki (MKK). Signing of contracts on December 5, 2000 during SEMICON in Tokyo.
Fifth Milestone
Establishment of DAS presences in Hong Kong/China and Kuching/Malaysia.
Sixth Milestone
Deutsche Bank’s VC group is triggered, MKK becomes an open shareholder in the company.
Seventh Milestone
DAS sells ESCAPE license to Korean partner company GST. The company founder receives the European SEMI Award for 「Pioneer in Waste Gas Abate-ment Technology」.
Eigth Milestone
Diversification through acquisition and integration of a novel bio-technology for the purification of organically polluted wastewater from industry, municipalities and private households. New markets are also emerging in the area of waste gas. The solar industry is growing noticeably and DAS is on the market in time with appropriate solutions.
Nineth Milestone
DAS continues to grow. DAS China, headed by René Reichardt, joins the company group. At the Dresden location, the company leaves the Technology Center South after purchasing the company property Goppelner Str. 44; company name as DAS Environmental Expert GmbH, Dresden.
Tenth Milestone
Complete return of MKK’s shares to DAS Environmental Expert GmbH. Introduction and application of a quality management system, certified according to ISO 9001 at the Dresden site. Sale of the first biological wastewater treatment plant to a dairy in Uruguay (South America).
Eleventh Milestone
Foundation of the DAS Environmental Expert branch in Vietnam as well as construction and handover of a turnkey wastewater treatment plant for the French customer BEL in Vietnam. Installation of the first municipal wastewater treatment plant in Germany.
Twelfth Milestone
Worldwide market launch of STYRAX (burn/wet) and qualification for 450 mm. With the product launch of SALIX (wet), DAS offers for the first time a system for point-of-use disposal of waste gases from wet bench applications in semiconductor manufacturing. DAS Taiwan expands and moves into a new office in July 2013. DAS Experto Ambiental S.R.L. is founded in Argentina.
thirteenth Milestone
Successful market expansion to America; foundation of DAS Environmental Expert USA Inc. with headquarters in Boise. At the same time, the company establishes its own branch office in Singapore.
Introduction and application of an environmental management system at the Dresden site, certified according to ISO 14001.
Fourteenth Milestone
The DAS group of companies breaks the sales barrier of 50 million EUR for the first time. Expansion investment at the Dresden site to enlarge production and office space. Re-certification according to ISO 9001.
Fithteenth Milestone
Foundation of a subsidiary in Peru.
25th company anniversary; René Reichardt becomes equal managing partner of DAS EE next to his father Dr. Horst Reichardt.
Sixteenth Milestone
Foundation of a subsidiary in Peru.
25th company anniversary; René Reichardt becomes equal managing partner of DAS EE next to his father Dr. Horst Reichardt.
Seventeenth Milestone
20th anniversary of DAS Taiwan; opening of the Service & Innovation Center in Hsinchu, Taiwan
Eighteenth Milestone
Establishment of the new Vision 2040
Establishment of DAS Korea.
Nineteenth Milestone
Construction and opening of the site expansion on the company’s property at Goppelner Str. 44
30th company anniversary
Twentieth Milestone
Foundation of DAS presences in Kumamoto/Japan and Kulim/Malaysia,
Founding member of the Semiconductor Climate Consortium
Corporate Movie
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