Environmental Management with DAS Environmental Expert
DAS particularly emphasizes the required responsibility as an environmental technology company in the most fundamental sense. In addition to developing and manufacturing products for environmental protection, further integrating environmental awareness into all areas of operation is crucial to DAS.
Health, safety and environmental guidelines
The preservation of natural resources, occupational safety and the satisfaction and safety of our employees* are an essential part of our operational processes and our company organisation. We therefore comply with the legal requirements in the areas of environment, employee protection and occupational safety.
Occupational safety and health management policy
- DAS Environmental Experts GmbH undertakes to protect the health and safety of all persons in its working environment. To this end, we have implemented a global health and safety management system that integrates all organizational activities relating to products, services and people.
- We are aware of our responsibility to protect the health and safety of our employees, customers, the public, contractors and visitors in the conduct of our business. We believe that sound corporate governance and the protection of human health and safety are mutually achievable goals.
- Each employee is responsible for health and safety in accordance with his or her functional responsibilities. Appropriate health and safety training for all relevant persons is provided on a regular basis. All managers remain directly responsible for the health, safety and well-being of their employees, supported by appropriate resources.
- Our products are developed, manufactured and sold in accordance with legal and operational health and safety requirements in an effort to meet the needs of our customers as closely as possible. Known hazards are reported to potentially affected individuals. The products manufactured and sold by us do not use substances and components that pose an unacceptable risk to human health and safety.
- DAS is committed to maintaining a high safety culture by encouraging the active participation, consultation and cooperation of all employees and contractors in the development and implementation of measures to improve health and safety. We will take all reasonable and practical steps to improve working conditions and achieve our goal of zero harm or accidents.
- Regular audits of facilities, business systems and key suppliers are carried out impartially and professionally to ensure that they contribute to the objectives of this policy. The elements of occupational safety and responsibility for the safety and health of employees are taken into account as criteria in the selection of suppliers.
- Risk and hazard management systems that are relevant and appropriate to the company’s risk exposure are implemented to identify, promote and continuously improve health and safety performance using the protective measures hierarchy.
- All relevant policies, processes, training and organizational structures to support and communicate effective health and safety practices throughout the Company are described and regularly monitored to ensure their integrity and effectiveness and to enable continuous improvement:
- In the event of emergencies or health and safety issues, the relevant procedures are described in the Emergency Preparedness and Response process.
You can find our occupational safety and health management policy as PDF here.
Environmental Policy
- DAS Environmental Experts GmbH has implemented an environmental management system certified according to ISO 14001, which we are continuously developing further.
- We constantly examine the environmental effects of our products, processes, operational activities and facilities at all locations, even before their introduction, and try to reduce environmental pollution to a minimum wherever possible. We feel responsible for the environmental impact of our products and processes from raw material extraction to recycling. Relevant interests of customers, employees, the public and other interested parties are also identified and taken into account.
- In addition, we continuously develop and implement measures at all our locations worldwide to avoid environmental pollution and to continuously improve our environmental performance and environmental protection in the company.
- DAS reduces polluting emissions and waste wherever possible and returns the majority of waste to the material cycle. The protection of resources is a priority for us.
- The consideration, evaluation and processing of environmental aspects is efficiently integrated into all our processes within the process landscape. Environmental goals fit seamlessly into our overall strategic goal planning, which is reviewed and adjusted annually.
- We continuously promote the environmental awareness of our employees and conduct regular training measures.
- In the area of environmental protection, we support projects worldwide in financial, personnel or material form.
- In order to avoid emergencies or minimize their effects, we have developed a contingency plan.
- At our suppliers and service providers, we regularly check compliance with comparable environmental standards through self-assessments and audits.
- As part of internal audits and management reviews, we regularly examine and evaluate the environmental protection situation of our company as well as the appropriateness of the management system. In the event of any deviations, corrective and preventive measures are defined and implemented as quickly as possible.
You can find our environmental policy policy as PDF here.
You can find our ISO 14001-Certificate as PDF here.
You can find our ISO 45001-Certificate as PDF here.
Our ISO 14001 Certification
Since 2014 our environmental management system is certified according to ISO 14001. All employees are asked to handle resources responsibly and identify saving potentials.
This allows a common economic success, customer and employee satisfaction and social recognition.
The Environmental Program at DAS Environmental Expert GmbH
Besides the sustainable reduction of our CO2 footprint at all our sites worldwide we also work on the continuous improvement of our products along the whole product life cycle. In that area, we put a special focus on the energy efficiency aspects. With the support of our own digital solutions, we devote ourselves to the ideal of a circulatory system where nothing gets lost. Natural resources will not be disposed anymore but reused further and further. In the environmental branch we want to be the leading company with respect to our innovative power and quality standards.