Wastewater Treatment – Case Studies

Due to long-term expertise in the area of wastewater treatment DAS Environmental Expert can refer to various case studies that demonstrate the turnkey expertise from optimization to if existing plants to the engineering of new wastewater systems.

Industrial Water Treatment

Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Solutions for the Semiconductor Industry

The semiconductor industry is facing the global challenge of optimising its water requirements. Previously tried and tested methods of wastewater treatment are increasingly reaching their limits. The development and use of new wastewater treatment technologies will therefore soon become a game changer for companies and the environment.
DAS EE offers its customers an innovative and efficient technology portfolio for the optimised treatment of process water in order to ensure the sustainable and economical use of this vital resource.

Water-intensive High-Tech Companies Rely on Water Recycling Solution from DAS EE

Intelligent water recycling can become a success factor, especially in water-intensive industries. For a leading battery manufacturer, DAS EE developed an intelligent solution for water reuse of an existing waste gas treatment plant, which effectively saves resources and costs.

Physical Water Treatment System by DAS

Pilot plant – Zero-Liquid-Discharge in Membrane Production

As part of the Med-zeroSolvent cooperation project, seven innovative companies from Dresden are researching new methods for wastewater-free production through energy-efficient treatment of heavily polluted process water from membrane production. As specialists in industrial wastewater treatment, DAS EE is part of this consortium and developed a pilot plant for the treatment of the solvent DMAc.

DAS EE Technology for pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and healthcare

Wastewater from hospitals, healthcare facilities, the pharmaceutical industry, and biotechnological production carries bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, and changing concentrations of different active pharmaceutical ingredients – a potentially dangerous mix. Technologically sophisticated wastewater treatment is required to ensure that these substances do not end up in the environment.

n dieser Anlage zur biologischen Abwassereinigung wird in den zwei in Reihe geschalteten Schwebebettreaktoren der TOC mit Hilfe von Mikroorganismen abgebaut, die auf einem speziellen Trägermaterial im Reaktor wachsen.

Flexible, scalable and reliable: DAS builds wastewater treatment plant for DSM Nutritional Products AG

Increasing production capacities have brought the existing wastewater treatment plant at the chemical company DSM Nutritional Products in Switzerland to the limits of its capacity. Wastewater properties in the chemical industry with strict limit values in the food and beverage industry – the DAS experts mastered the challenge and installed a two-stage MBBR plant.

Multistep clarification process on the way to pure water

Safety for people and the environment is Roche’s top priority for the whole rehabilitation. Since the groundwater below the Kesslergrube landfill has also been contaminated with industrial materials, a bored pile wall was erected and well galleries were established in preparation for the excavation measures. The solution offered by DAS Environmental Expert GmbH for groundwater treatment as part of the

Planung Abwasserbehandlung Chemische industrie

Construction of a new flotation system to optimise biological wastewater treatment at ARA Rhein

ARA Rhein treats industrial and municipal wastewater from the catchment area in Pratteln in a 2‑stage biological process. DAS Environmental Expert GmbH was responsible for the new construction of a two-stage flotation plant.

Clever Wastewater Treatment System for Production Expansion in the Beverage Industry

The treatment of wastewater in the beverage industry usually has to manage unstable water flows. In the case of the South American soft drink manufacturer Refres Now S.A. significantly increasing manufacturing volumes also had to be faced. Therefore, the wastewater system was adopted to the new conditions by the Environmental Experts from DAS.

Fallstudie Abwasserbehandlung Refres Now S.A.
Fallstudie Deutsches Milchkontor

Conversion and Expansion of an Existing Dairy Industry Wastewater Treatment System

In 2016, the DMK group announced the investment in its Strückhausen branch in order to start producing skim and whole milk powder for baby food. Environmental Expert Dresden is commissioned to comprehensively modernize and expand the DMK Group’s wastewater treatment system.

Cost-efficient Treatment of Landfill Leachate

The composition of landfill leachates differs depending on the type of waste stored, the weather and the holding time in the landfill body. Besides the safe leachate treatment a strong reduction in odour was achieved for the Grumbach landfill.

Fallstudie Deponiesickerwasser AMAND Umwelttechnik Grumbach
Fallstudie Wärmerückgewinnung bei Schumacher Packaging

Energy Efficient Wastewater Plant Applying Wastewater Heat Exchanger

Wastewater heat exchangers ensure the reliable operation of a wastewater treatment plant and enable the recovery of heat from the wastewater stream. The E‑Plate heat exchanger offers many advantages compared to conventional systems and represents an efficiency-increasing solution for solids-laden wastewater.

Expansion of the Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Food Industry

Potatoes are powerful: Next to processed products the potato can serve as an energy supply. This is what Friweika eG, a potato processing business in Weidensdorf (Germany), is exemplary in demonstrating.

Fallstudie Abwasserbehandlung in der Kartoffelverarbeitung
Abwasserbehandlung Lebensmittelindustrie

From Manufacturing into The River

More and more users from the food industry as well as manufacturers of wastewater treatment plants rely on the advantages of sustainably designed wastewater treatment concepts. The TFR technology offers many advantages. The wastewater treatment plant at Fromageries Bel in the south of Vietnam is a good example to describe this process in more detail.

Biological Treatment of Wastewater in the Chemical Industry

Biological processes become more and more popular in wastewater treatment – even for the demanding conditions in the chemical industry. This will be explained in detail in this case study using various examples.

Planung Abwasserbehandlung Chemische industrie

Case studies of pilot plants for wastewater treatment

Not all wastewater is the same. The wastewater specialists at DAS develop cost-effective plant solutions which guarantee the best wastewater treatment results possible for our customers. After initial laboratory testing, we often run a pilot plant under real-life conditions directly at the customer’s site to ensure that the plant configuration is optimal.