Conversion and Expansion of an Existing Dairy Industry Wastewater Treatment System
With 23 sites in Germany and 7.200 employees the DMK Group (Deutsches Milchkontor) is the biggest dairy manufacturer in Germany. In 2016, the DMK group announced the investment in its Strückhausen branch in order to start producing skim and whole milk powder for baby food. Environmental Expert Dresden is commissioned to comprehensively modernize and expand the DMK Group’s wastewater treatment system.
The DMK Group Converts Production – Wastewater Treatment is Adapted
Until production starts in 2018, extensive construction needs to be completed; corresponding manufacturing equipment has to be finalized and installed, and the existing wastewater treatment system must be adapted to the production changes which go along with changing volumes and pollution load of the wastewater.
Comprehensive modernization measures are in accordance with the applicable regulations for the processing of milk, which requires large amounts of water, mainly for the cleaning of processing equipment and delivery vehicles. Subsequently, large amounts of wastewater must be treated – typically with peak loads and changing ingredients according to the operation in each company.
DAS is Preferred Partner for the Reconstruction of Existing System
DAS Environmental Expert Dresden is commissioned to comprehensively modernize and expand the DMK Group’s wastewater treatment system at its Strückhausen location. One of its biggest challenges was the complex condition of the site as the subsoil conditions in Strückhausen are extremely complicated. Due to high groundwater level, the ground has little load-bearing capacity, and the entire facility is built on piles. This also affects the optimization of the wastewater treatment system since the structural stability of construction cranes must be meticulously examined every time it is operated. Additionally, DMK Group has specific goals for the project is to observe the sustainability strategy, which codifies high standards of quality of both environmental protection and energy efficiency. To this end, and in addition to the new wastewater technology, the company is building an energy control center that will supply energy to all systems and control the wastewater treatment. All new aggregate units comply with the energy efficiency class IE3.
Activated Sludge System is Computer-Controlled
Due to a significant load of organic substances in its wastewater, companies in the milk processing industry that do not have their own wastewater treatment system can pay expensive heavy polluter surcharges. The DMK facility in Strückhausen anticipates, after production conversion, to accrue 640 cubic meters (22,600 cubic feet) of wastewater daily, containing a COD-load of 2,400 kg (5,291 lbs.) per day. In order to release the wastewater into adjacent water bodies, the wastewater treatment plant must be capable of reducing the organic load permanently to a maximum of 110 milligrams per liter (0.0038 ounces per 2.1 pint).
This is possible through an activated sludge system with intermittent aeration, which alternates the aerobic phase of nitrification with an anaerobic phase of denitrification. The system’s controls are fully-automated. Through the measurement and evaluation of the redox potential, oxygen input and circulation are used efficiently, and the carbon and nitrogen decomposition are optimized. The resulting sludge is thickened for further use to only 7%.
After the commissioning of the modernized and expanded treatment system planned for October 2017, the Dresden environmental experts will look after the plant for another six months in order to optimize the biological wastewater treatment system’s purification capacity and energy efficiency.