Wastewater Treatment for Municipalities

Municipalities are required to treat the accrued wastewaters according to resource conservation guidelines. DAS Environmental Expert supports you by developing optimum solutions for wastewater treatment that are based on holistic concepts.

Modern Systems for Rural Areas

The process for biological wastewater treatment by DAS Environmental Expert counts on consumer-oriented wastewater treatment and regional water usage instead of cost-intensive, central water management.

Depending on your requirements, we create individual concepts and combinations of mechanical, biological and chemical stages. We offer flexible and reliable systems for residential areas of up to 100.000 inhabitants.

Wastewater Treatment for Municipalities Using Modular Systems

We at DAS Environmental Expert consider regional wastewater management an integrated matter therefore we develop modular systems for highly efficient, biological wastewater treatment that can easily be integrated into pre-existing structures or to renovate old or overburdened systems. After treatment with DAS systems the water can be used for irrigation, for instance.

Our systems are scalable. Due to their modular structure it is possible to adapt them to new requirements without problems. This way, municipalities are able to flexibly react to demographic changes while keeping costs under control at all times, no matter if wastewater amounts increase or decrease.

Intelligent Duo-Compact System for unstable Water Flows

In Rostov-on-Don, Russia’s 10th largest city, DAS installed a combination of two process technologies to efficiently treat daily municipal and commercial wastewater. The 10,000 cubic meters of wastewater per day are treated mechanically in the first step. Subsequently, the combination of a biofilm process and an activated sludge process is applied which is a special development by the environmental experts from DAS. The installed solution combines requirement-specific biocoenosis and offers high process stability, which is also able to cope with stronger fluctuations. The space- and volume-reduced system enables the municipality to keep the hygienic protection zone small. For more stringent hygiene requirements, the solution can be additionally housed. Our team took over the entire project management and implementation — from planning to construction management to the delivery of equipment.