DAS´ Innovation and Support Center in Hsinchu Sets New Standards for Green Manufacturing in Asia
DAS Environmental Expert Taiwan opens new facility for advanced training and tool improvement in Waste Gas Treatment
Innovation and Service Center Opened in Taiwan
Today DAS Environmental Expert GmbH headquartered in Dresden, Germany, is celebrating the opening of its Asian Innovation and Support Center located in Hsinchu/Taiwan. The new facility will act as a global product training center to enhance service capability and quality. “We strongly believe in the concept of continuous improvement. Together with our customers we want to enhance frequent discussions to better support their technological roadmap.”, says Alex Shen, Vice President of DAS Asia.
DAS Environmental Experts GmbH, founded 1991 in Dresden, Germany, is one of the world’s leading technology and system providers for Point-of-Use process waste gas abatement solutions. World leading companies in the semiconductor and electronics industries along with those in the photovoltaic sector rely on DAS systems to provide cost efficient abatement of highly contaminated process waste gases. “In order to keep our leading position, we decided to invest in a service quality hub for whole Asia. Having our biggest installed base in Taiwan it was the right decision to strengthen our engagement here.” says René Reichardt, Managing Director of DAS Environmental Expert.
A totally new area of 334 m² has been designed as training facility and showroom. At the same time, the local warehouse capacities have nearly been doubled to improve spare parts handling. The whole project was successfully realized within one year and came along with a 60 Mio. NTD investment. From now on, up to 40 DAS engineers can be trained at the same time passing up to 3 service training levels. Already in 2017 more than 150 service engineers are supposed to be trained here.
The training focus is on the burn/wet technology as applied in ESCAPE and STYRAX and wet scrubber systems such as SALIX. The specialty of the ESCAPE technology is the combination of two cleaning processes that typically cannot be combined within the limited space of a single small reactor: burning and scrubbing. The combination of these two processes enables the highly efficient abatement of most process waste gases while maintaining highest safety standards and offering a significant economic advantage. While in the past DAS focused mainly on the abatement needs of the semiconductor industry, DAS Environmental Experts GmbH has expanded its activities into neighboring sectors. With new products such as STYRAX, LARCH and SALIX, for instance, DAS reacts to the needs of the solar industry, the area of display manufacturing and the manufacturing of innovative LED technology products.
“We recently installed more than 3,000 systems and are very content with our continuous growth in annually installed systems, employees and revenue over the years”, Alex Shen adds. “We currently employ more than 170 people, roughly 80 per cent of them in Service. Last year’s turnover saw a sevenfold increase compared to 2009 alone.” The opening of the new facility in the MIT building, Gongdaowu Rd., was accompanied by respected guests and business partners from the leading Semiconductor companies in Taiwan.