Our innovative technologies for waste gas and wastewater treatment aim to achieve a balance between industrial growth and the preservation of natural resources. To accomplish this task, we want employees who are committed to making a difference.
What you expect from your employer
Your expectations of a new employer are certainly high. Performance-related pay, professional and personal development as well as safety at work are basic needs for any applicant. We would like to offer you more.
A survey conducted among our employees revealed that the identification with a meaningful corporate purpose, the opportunity to develop projects independently and treating each other straightforwardly are what characterises work at DAS. If these aspects are important to you too, we look forward to your application.
Become an expert in the field of…
Develop innovative technologies
Based on our close customer relationships and through impetus provided by our innovation centres in Dresden, the USA and Taiwan, new ideas continually emerge for the development of existing waste gas and wastewater treatment plants as well as the planning and design of new technological solutions.
Are you looking for a task like this? Then become a technical expert for environmental technology at DAS and work as part of our development team.
My attention was drawn to DAS EE in 2015 and since then I have worked in the product and technology development department. I am especially impressed by the international profile, which is coupled with the advanced technology and at the same time places the focus on environmental protection. I mainly look after organising procedures and processes in my team. Enjoying your work is important here and one question says it all: What company has a pool?
I got to know DAS EE from my homeland of Argentina and after my scholarship I started a work placement here in Dresden. I now work in project planning for the wastewater sector and prepare quotations for customers, as well as flow charts and component lists for facilities. I have found a second family here in Dresden and the pleasant atmosphere makes my work special.
Produce efficient treatment plants
Implementing large-scale wastewater treatment concepts, the international distribution of our facilities or the introduction of a new waste gas treatment plant in the production department and at the customer: all these are challenging projects, which rely on a high standard of quality and great commitment.
Are you looking for a job where you can apply these abilities as a member of our production or our international service team and develop them further? If so, we look forward to your application.
My job at DAS EE consists of the final electronic installation of a burner-scrubber waste gas treatment plant, the STYRAX. I started at DAS EE in June 2016 through a temping agency and was then given a job in the final installation department. The good working environment, but also the varied work, despite it being serial production, is great for me. I am looking forward to our new company premises next door.
At DAS EE I look after the work scheduling process. My daily work routine consists of arranging dates, but I am also involved in the strategic development of work procedures and processes.
The open dialogue with colleagues and my daily contact with many departments is what I particularly like about my work at DAS EE. The construction of a new second hall right next door entails new challenges for me, to which I look forward in future.
Strengthen the international team
At DAS too, wide support is needed from cross-divisional functions to ensure successful work in development and production. Besides the variety of topics covered and the high degree of digitalisation, colleagues in these areas are also challenged anew every day by the international environment.
Become part of our international team and support our work together on modern environmental technology.
I started in 2014 as a system administrator and here in Dresden I look after the technical infrastructure, from the server to laptops. The building security, as well as fire and other alarm systems also fall under my responsibility. The team events, regular workforce meetings, good cooperation and all the extra social benefits make DAS EE special for me.
I started my job in the sales office at DAS EE in 2010 as maternity leave cover. I have been looking after the Europe sales region since 2017. I take care of preparing and pricing quotations, for example. My job enables me to get a little bit closer to my personal wish of doing something good for the environment. Working life is made easier by my collegial, almost family-like team and good communication, which makes it even more fun to work here.