Safe wastewater treatment for Biotest AG

Wastewater from hospitals, healthcare facilities, the pharmaceutical industry, and biotechnological production carries bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, and changing concentrations of different active pharmaceutical ingredients – a potentially dangerous mix. Technologically sophisticated wastewater treatment is required to ensure that these substances do not end up in the environment. “The equipment and processes must both exclude any risk to people and the environment and fit seamlessly into a complex overall system,” explains Marko Hähnel, project manager at environmental technology experts, DAS Environmental Expert GmbH. How this can be successfully implemented in practice is shown by a system which the Dresden-based company built for Biotest AG in Dreieich, a town situated south of Frankfurt/Main.
Komplettiert wurde die biologische Abwasserreinigung auf kundenspezifischen Wunsch schließlich durch Anlagen zur Entwässerung und Abfüllung des Schlammes, eine Anlage zur Abluftreinigung und einen großen Treppenturm.

DAS technology fits perfectly into the planning

The planners wished for a specific solution in terms of process engineering. They found this in the portfolio of the environmental technology experts from Dresden. The wastewater treatment system consists of two sub-systems: The wastewater flows from the production areas via separate collection systems to three collection stations in the basement. From there, it is transported underground via media channels into an adjacent building and two large mixing and compensation tanks, each with a volume of approx. 300 m³, where it is collected and mixed. The wastewater is then drawn off from the mixing and compensation tanks via pumps and conveyed upwards to the neutralization system.


All the way from planning, through switching station construction to quality assurance, the environmental experts from Dresden successfully met the high requirements of the pharmaceutical industry.
Planung Abwasserbehandlung Chemische industrie

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